3-D Eyebrow Package $800
- One Session + one touch up session (3-4 weeks after initial session)
Eyeline $500
- One Session + one touch up session (6-10 weeks after initial session)
- Subsequent touch-ups $200
Add-in additional footnote prior to Eyebrow Color pricing:
- Additional charge of $50 for shading
Change your image with 3-D Natural eyebrows! Sometimes, hair-like strokes make your eyebrows look unnatural – especially as color starts to fade away. They can look messy and have a broken, unfinished look to them.
At Cleopatra, we use Tami’s 3-D Semi-Permanent Makeup. It not only looks good as soon as it is put on, but even as the color fades, your eyebrows will still look naturally beautiful. It will also stay on much longer than using hair strokes.
Utilizing Tami’s 3D Semi-Permanent Makeup, we individually customize the color and procedure that each person needs.
3D Semi-Permanent Makeup | Time | Touch Up |
1 Hour 30 Min. | 2-4 Weeks Later | |
- Individual hairs are layered on the skin
- Save time – no more drawing on your eyebrows
- No more uneven brows
- No more smeared eyebrows
- Look great all the time
Semi-Permanent after care
After the semi/permanent make-up procedure, it is natural for swelling to occur.
Colors may appear darker immediately following the procedure. Pigments usually scab after 3-5 days. DO NOT pick, rub, or cleanse the area with soap or cleanser for one week. Allow the scab to flake off naturally. As the healing progresses, colors will soften to its true color. We recommend lightly rinsing your face and showering with low pressure water.
No water on brows for one week to ensure the hairstroke lines stay as thin as possible. Water, sweat, and oil on hairstroke lines can blur/spread lines out.
It is normal for colors to fade up to 60% the first week. Complimentary touch up is recommended only after 3 weeks and no longer than 4 weeks.
The 3D Eyebrow Tattoo Process
Arrive with no makeup on
It’s important to remove your makeup before the process, however if you have an eyebrow shape in mind you normally wear, it may be a good idea to wear it to your appointment to show your tattooist how you would like them done. I arrived with none because I would prefer her artistic opinion. It’s completely up to you.
Choose your eyebrow design and eyebrow colour
Although it’s not a permanent commitment you will still live with this eyebrow shape and colour for up to a year. Think about choosing a shape that compliments your current makeup looks the most and that you’d be happy to wear ongoing. Remember you can always draw more eyebrow on with makeup, but you can’t conceal it as easily. When you can’t decide always just fill in your natural shape and then use makeup to change the thickness and shapes later.
Also in terms of colour, choose the lightest possible shade that would go with your planned hair colours. Also think about the tone whether your hair is warm toned or cool toned. You can usually choose between warm browns and ash toned browns so think about this too before you head to your appointment.
Apply numbing cream in the area
You will thank whoever invented numbing cream that it has made this process bearable, you will need to leave this miracle cream on for about 15-20 minutes and your tattooist will provide relaxing music for you normally, otherwise bring something you can listen to or do while you lie there with it on
Remove numbing cream and start tattooing
This is usually the longest process and will involve the design of your brows, remember that if it starts to get too uncomfortable for you, just speak up and more numbing cream will be applied. This is probably better then you flinching and squirming around and having the artist make a mistake because you’re moving too much. Don’t be a hero Speak up if it’s painful! For me it felt like a scratching sensation.
Apply ointment in the area for the next 7 days — don’t touch!
The area will be pinkish from the process and the most important thing is to prevent scabbing and infections. Remember to apply the ointment your provided religiously (3 times a day) and keep the area moist to prevent scabbing. I was also provided an anti-bacterial ointment for the first 3 days so that the area won’t get infection, because this is still an open wound we’re talking about and not to be taken lightly. Resist the urge to touch it and scratch it and you will be required not to get it wet for a week.
Go to your touch up session
A good tattooist will always include a touch up session to your package because how the design will fade from your skin is never predictable and it’s always better to under tattoo and fix it up in the second session than to over tattoo and have to wait up to a year for the mistake to fade. Ask for the price of both sessions so you know the total cost.
Chlorine, exfoliation creams, and exposure to the sun will cause colors to fade. Failure to follow post-procedure instructions may cause loss of pigment, discoloration or infection.
Touchup appointments will be subject to the availability of the technician’s schedule. Please select the best appointment time for your touchup as availability is highly limited. Technicians can not guarantee a rescheduled appointment to meet the complimentary touchup 3-4 week timeframe.
If a rescheduled appointment does not meet the complimentary time frame, touch up fees will apply. 3-4 weeks after initial session first touchups: complimentary
- 6-10 weeks after initial session first touchups: $50
- 10-12 weeks after initial session first touchup : $100
- 2nd touchup within 3 months of initial session: $100
- Prices are subject to change without notice.
Etiquette & Policy
Brow Embroidery
No other person is allowed to be in the room during this service.
If you normally fill in your brows, please fill in brows prior to coming in. If possible, no foundation on skin. To avoid excessive bleeding, please avoid blood thinners:
- Do not consume alcoholic beverages the night before
- No caffeine the day of procedure
- Please refrain consuming pain relievers/killers unless directed by your physician.
- Fish oils are blood thinners, if possible avoid unless directed by your physician.
- Avoid working out before procedure.
Permanent Makeup Facts
More Makeup FAQs