- Lips $20
- Chin $20
- Hairline $40
- Full Face $60
- Eyebrow $30
Body (Pairs)
- Underarms $40
- Full Arms $65
- Half Arms $60
- Full Legs $75
- Eyebrows (5 sessions) $90
- Hairline (5 sessions) $70
- Hairline (10 sessions) $150
- Lips (5 sessions) $60
- Lips (10 sessions) $120
- Full Face (5 sessions) $250
- Full Face (10 sessions) $420
- Neck $30
- Shoulder $30
- Underarms $35
- Back or Torso Half/Full $60/$90
Get Smooth
- Hair must be at least1/4 inch long.
- If you are feeling sensitive, please take two Aleve medicines one hour before your appointment.*
- We cannot allow any waxing if you are taking or using any medication that will thin the skin such as Accutane or Retin-A.
- The skin is more sensitive the week before your menstrual cycle so waxing may feel more painful.
*Please make sure that you are in healthy enough condition to take medicine. Please consult with your doctor if you are unsure. Cleopatra will not be responsible for any conditions arising from the taking of any pain medication.
Stay Smooth
- No shaving between waxing appointments. Shaving will make your wax more painful and cause broken hairs, which will leave the skin feeling prickly.
- No direct sunlight or extremely hot water on the area for 24 hours post wax. If you’ve done facial waxing, it is important to wear sunblock.